Atlas Copco Ga 375 Compressor Parts Manual
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. Atlas Copco Oil-injected rotary screw compressors GA 5, GA 7, GA 11 Instruction book. Atlas Copco Oil-injected rotary screw compressors GA 5, GA 7, GA 11 From following serial No. Onwards: CAI 700 000 Instruction book Original instructions Copyright notice Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. Instruction book Table of contents Safety precautions.7.7 AFETY ICONS.7 AFETY PRECAUTIONS GENERAL.7 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATION.9 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATION.10 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR General description.12.12 NTRODUCTION.16 IR FLOW.17 IL SYSTEM.18 OOLING SYSTEM.19. Instruction book 3.10.39 ALLING UP RUNNING HOURS 3.11.40 ALLING UP MOTOR STARTS 3.12.41 ALLING UP MODULE HOURS 3.13.41 ALLING UP LOADING HOURS 3.14.41 ALLING UP LOAD RELAY 3.15.42 ALLING UP RESETTING THE SERVICE TIMER 3.16.43 ELECTION BETWEEN LOCAL. Instruction book.76 ALLING UP MENUS.77 NPUTS MENU.78 UTPUTS MENU.80 OUNTERS.81 ERVICE MENU 4.10.85 ETPOINT MENU 4.11.87 VENT HISTORY MENU 4.12.88 ODIFYING GENERAL SETTINGS 4.13.89 NFO MENU 4.14.90 EEK TIMER MENU 4.15.99 EST MENU.
Instruction book.137 URING OPERATION.139 HECKING THE DISPLAY.140 TOPPING.141 AKING OUT OF OPERATION Maintenance.143.143 REVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE.146 IL SPECIFICATIONS.146 TORAGE AFTER INSTALLATION.147 ERVICE KITS.147 ISPOSAL OF USED MATERIAL Adjustments and servicing procedures.148.148 RIVE MOTOR.148. Instruction book 11.7 ®.169 ECHNICAL DATA LEKTRONIKON CONTROLLER Instructions for use.171 Guidelines for inspection.172 Pressure equipment directives.173 Declaration of conformity.174 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Safety precautions Safety icons Explanation Danger for life Warning Important note Safety precautions, general General precautions 1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related work safety requirements and regulations. If any of the following statements does not comply with the applicable legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
Instruction book Precautions during installation 1. The machine must only be lifted using suitable equipment in accordance with the applicable safety regulations. Loose or pivoting parts must be securely fastened before lifting. It is strictly forbidden to dwell or stay in the risk zone under a lifted load.
Lifting acceleration and deceleration must be kept within safe limits. Instruction book Safety precautions during operation All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.
Instruction book Safety precautions during maintenance or repair All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer. Instruction book. Always wear special gloves. In case of refrigerant contact with the skin, rinse the skin with water.
If liquid refrigerant contacts the skin through clothing, never tear off or remove the latter; flush abundantly with fresh water over the clothing until all refrigerant is flushed away; then seek medical first aid. Workplace compressors have no dryer, while Workplace Full-Feature (FF) compressors are provided with an integrated air dryer. The basic version of GA 5 up to GA 11 is equipped with an Elektronikon controller ( see section Elektronikon controller). The Elektronikon® Graphic controller is available as option (see section Elektronikon graphic controller). Instruction book Front view, Workplace tank-mounted with Elektronikon® controller Ref.
Name Air receiver Air outlet valve Automatic condensate outlet OSD drain outlet (option) Manual condensate drain valve Manual condensate drain valve Elektronikon® controller Emergency stop button Electric cable entry 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Floor-mounted version The compressors are installed directly on the floor.
GA 11 Pack, Floor mounted, Front view Elektronikon® controller Emergency stop button Manual condensate drain valve Automatic condensate outlet 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Floor-mounted Workplace Pack compressor, rear view Ref.
Name Air filter Air outlet valve Combicooler Fan motor Drive motor 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Air flow Flow diagrams For Workplace units For Workplace Full-Feature units References Ref. Description Intake air Air/oil mixture Hot compressed air 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Ref. Description Dry air Condensate Dry air (compressors with integrated dryer) Description Air drawn through filter (AF) and open inlet valve (IV) into compressor element (E) is compressed. Compressed air and oil flow into the air receiver/oil separator (OT). The air flows through minimum pressure valve (Vp) to air cooler (Ca).
Instruction book References Description Intake air Air/oil mixture Compressed air Description The air/oil mixture coming from the compressor element flows into the oil separator/tank, where most of the oil is separated by centrifugal action. The oil collects in the lower part of air receiver/oil separator (OT) which serves as oil tank.
Instruction book References Description Intake air Compressed air/oil Compressed air Description The cooling system comprises of air cooler (Ca) and oil cooler (Co). 2017 polaris ranger 900 xp. The cooling air is generated by a fan (FN). The fan is set on the shaft of the motor.
Condensate system Condensate drains Condensate drains on a floor-mounted version. Instruction book Regulating system Flow diagram Unloading If the air consumption is less than the air output of the compressor, the net pressure increases. When the net pressure reaches the unloading pressure, solenoid valve (Y1) is de-energised.
The control pressure present in the chambers of loading plunger (LP) and unloading valve (UV) is vented to atmosphere via solenoid valve (Y1). Instruction book Electric cabinet Reference Description Fuses F2-F3 Fuses Overload relay, compressor motor Delta contactor Star contactor Line contactor Transformer Earth terminal Electrical diagrams The service diagram and the explanatory designations below are given as typical example only. Some of the texts may not be applicable to a specific case. The applicable service diagram is situated in the electric cubicle of the compressor. Instruction book Service diagram Designations 2920 7090 51.
Instruction book Reference Sensors / solenoid valves / electronic water drain PT20 Pressure sensor, air outlet TT11 Temperature sensor, element outlet TT90 Temperature sensor, dew-point (Full Feature) TT91 Temperature sensor, ambient (Full Feature) Loading solenoid valve Reference Motors Compressor motor Fan motor, cooler Reference Electric cabinet. Instruction book Reference Optional equipment R1/K34 Drive motor thermistor protection, shut-down Anti-condensation heaters Auxiliary relay, load/unload signal for ES100 Main power isolating switch Solenoid valve for modulating control Air dryer Flow diagram Air dryer Reference Name Air inlet Air outlet Air/air heat exchanger Air/refrigerant heat exchanger/evaporator Condensate separator. Instruction book Reference Name Refrigerant condenser Liquid refrigerant dryer/filter Capillary Hot gas by-pass valve Condenser cooling fan Pressure switch, fan control Compressed air circuit Compressed air enters heat exchanger (1) and is cooled by the outgoing, cold, dried air.
Water in the incoming air starts to condense. Instruction book Elektronikon® controller ® Elektronikon regulator Control panel Introduction ® In general, the Elektronikon regulator has following functions:. Controlling the compressor.
Protecting the compressor. Monitoring components subject to service. Automatic restart after voltage failure (made inactive) Automatic control of the compressor The regulator maintains the net pressure between programmable limits by automatically loading and unloading the compressor. The regulator has a built-in function to automatically restart the compressor when the voltage is restored after voltage failure.
This function is deactivated in compressors leaving the factory. If desired, the function can be activated. Consult the Atlas Copco Customer Centre. If activated, and if the regulator was in the automatic operation mode, the compressor will. Instruction book Reference Designation Function LED, Service Is lit when service is needed. Start button This button starts the compressor.
Automatic operation LED (3) lights up. The Elektronikon is operative. Stop button This button is used to stop the compressor. Automatic operation LED (3) goes out. Instruction book Function Icon Description Units Pressure unit (Mega Pascal) Pressure unit (pounds per square inch) Pressure unit (bar) Temperature unit Temperature unit Hours (always shown together with seconds) Percent The value shown must be multiplied by 10 to get the actual value The value shown must be multiplied by 100 to get the actual value. The Main screen shows:. The compressor status by means of pictographs.
The air outlet pressure Always consult Atlas Copco if the pressure on the display is preceded by a 't'. Shut-down warning Description A shut-down warning will appear in the event of:. Instruction book. Press Scroll down button (12). The screen shows the temperature at the compressor element outlet: The screen shows that the temperature at the element outlet is 122 °C It remains possible to scroll through other screens, using the Scroll buttons up and down (12) to check the actual status of other parameters. Instruction book Warning screen, dewpoint temperature The screen shows that the dewpoint temperature is 9˚C. It remains possible to scroll through other screens (using Scroll buttons 12) to check the actual status of other parameters.
Press button (11) to stop the compressor and wait until the compressor has stopped. Instruction book. Press Scroll buttons (12) until the actual compressor element temperature appears. Shut-down screen, element outlet temperature The screen shows that the temperature at the outlet of the compressor element is 122 ˚C. Switch off the voltage and remedy the trouble. In the example above, carry out all service operations belonging to the 8000 running hours interval as well as those belonging to the 4000 running hours interval. If using mineral oil instead of Atlas Copco Roto-Inject Fluid, the service timer has to be decreased.
See section Preventive maintenance schedule. 2920 7090 51. Instruction book.
After servicing, reset the service timer. See section Calling up/resetting the service timer Scrolling through all screens Control panel Control panel Scroll buttons (12) can be used to scroll through all screens. The screens are divided into register screens, measured data screens, digital input screens (numbered as,.), parameter screens (numbered as,.), protections screens (numbered as.) and test screens (numbered as.). Instruction book Digital input Designation Related topic screens Loading hours (hrs or x1000 hrs) See section Calling up loading hours Load relay (x1 or x 1000) See section Calling up Calling up load relay Service timer reading (hrs or x 1000 hrs) See section Calling up/resetting the service timer. Instruction book Test screens Designation Related topic Display test See sections Test screens Safety valve test See sections Test screens Production test See sections Test screens Menu flow Simplified menu flow 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Ref. Description Ref.
Description Compressor outlet pressure (16) Pressure band setting Compressor outlet temperature (17) Service timer settings Dewpoint temperature (18) Temperature unit Digital input status (19) Unit pressure Running hours (20) Auto restart Motor starts (21) Selection Y-D/DOL Module hours (22) Load delay time. Instruction book The screen shows that the outlet temperature is 82 ˚C. For Full-Feature compressors: Press Scroll button (12). The dewpoint temperature will be shown: The screen shows that the dewpoint temperature is 3 ˚C. Press Scroll button (12) to scroll downwards or upwards through the screens. 3.10 Calling up running hours Control panel Starting from the Main screen. Instruction book The screen shows the unit used (x1000 hrs) and the value (11.25): the running hours of the compressor are 11250 hours.
3.11 Calling up motor starts Control panel Starting from the Main screen:. Press Scroll button (12) until is shown and then press Enter button (13): This screen shows the number of motor starts (x 1 or - if.
Instruction book 3.12 Calling up module hours Control panel Starting from the Main screen:. Press Scroll button (12) until is shown and then press Enter button (13): In the example shown, the screen shows the unit used (hrs) and the value (5000): the regulator module has been in service during 5000 hours. Instruction book. Press Scroll button (12) until is shown and then press Enter button (13): This screen shows the number of unload to load actions (x 1 or - if lights up - x 1000).
In the above example, the number of unload to load actions is 10100. Instruction book This screen shows the unit used (or ) and the value. In the example shown, the compressor has run 1191 hours since the previous service.
Resetting the service timer After servicing, see section Service warning, the timer has to be reset:. Instruction book If necessary enter the password. The next screen shows that the function is “ON or OFF” Press the Enter button (13) to change this mode Use the Scroll buttons (12) to select ON or OFF.
When this function is ON, use the Scroll buttons up or down (12) to see the node ID. If desired the user can change this ID. Instruction book Press the Enter button (13) to modify the setting. The utmost left value will blink.
Change this value by using the Scroll buttons (12). Press the Enter button (13) to confirm. Change the other values in the same way, as required. Instruction book Modification Press the Enter button (13) and if necessary enter the password. The first digits are blinking. Use the Scroll buttons Up or Down (12) to modify the settings and press Enter (13) to confirm. Modify the next digits the same way.
Instruction book 3.19 Calling up/modifying pressure band settings Calling up the settings Starting from the Main screen:. Press Scroll button (12) until is shown and then press Enter button (13). Pressure band 1 is shown on the display. Button (12) can be used to scroll to pressure band 2.
Instruction book Loading pressure Unloading pressure. Press Enter button (13) to modify the load level (value starts blinking). A password may be required. Use Scroll buttons (12) to change the loading pressure. Press Enter button (13) to program the new values or press the Escape button (14) to cancel.
Atlas Copco Ga 375 Compressors Parts Manual
3.20 Modifying the pressure band selection Control panel 2920 7090 51. Instruction book Starting from the Main screen:. Press Scroll button (12) until is shown and then press Enter button (13).
The active pressure band 1 is shown on the display. Press Enter button (13) to modify the pressure band selection (a password may be required). The active pressure band.
3.24 Activating automatic restart after voltage failure Description This parameter, accessible in screen, can only be modified after entering a code. Consult Atlas Copco if this function is to be activated. 3.25 Selection between Y-D or DOL starting. Instruction book.
This parameter can only be modified after entering a code. Consult Atlas Copco if the parameter is to be changed. 3.26 Calling up modifying load delay time Control panel Starting from the Main screen:.
Sullair 375 Compressor Parts
Press Scroll button (12) until and the compressor load pictograph is shown and press the Enter button (13):. Instruction book.
Press the Scroll button (12) until and the motor pictograph is shown and press the Enter button (13):. This screen shows the minimum stop time (20) and the unit (seconds). To modify this value press the Enter button (13). The value starts blinking and Scroll buttons (12) can be used to modify this value. Instruction book. Press the Enter button (13). The function of this screen is to activate the remote load/unload relay.
To be able to activate this remote Load/Unload functionality, a physical digital input with function Load/Unload is required. Once this parameter is activated, the physical digital input can be used to switch the compressor between Load and Unload. Instruction book. A low warning level, shown on the display as. A high warning level, shown on the display as. A low shut-down level, shown on the display as.
A high shut-down level, shown on the display as. Safety valve test In the test screen a safety valve test is provided. The safety valves can only be tested after entering a code.
Consult Atlas Copco if the safety valves are to be tested. Production test Test screen is only intended for production test. If the Main screen shows following screen, the. Instruction book 3.32 Web server All Elektronikon controllers have a built-in web server that allows direct connection to a PC via a local area network (LAN). This allows to consult certain data and settings via the PC instead of via the display of the controller. Instruction book. Click on View Network connections (1).
Select the Local Area connection (1), which is connected to the controller. Click with the right button and select properties (1). 2920 7090 51. Instruction book. Use the checkbox Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (1) (see picture). To avoid conflicts, de-select other properties if they are selected.
After selecting TCP/IP, click on the Properties button (2) to change the settings. Use the following settings:. Instruction book. Click on the Connections tab (1) and then click on the LAN settings button (2). In the Proxy server Group box, click on the Advanced button (1). 2920 7090 51. Instruction book.
In the Exceptions Group box, enter the IP address of your controller. Multiple IP addresses can be given but they must be separated with semicolons (;). Example: Suppose that you already added two IP addresses ( and Now you add and separate the 3 IP addresses by putting semicolons between them (1) (see picture). Instruction book Navigation and options. The banner shows the compressor type and the language selector. In this example, three languages are installed on the controller.
On the left site of the interface you can find the navigation menu (see picture below). If a license for ESi is foreseen, the menu contains 3 buttons. Instruction book Compressor settings All compressor settings can be hidden or shown. Put a mark for each setting. Only the machine status is fixed and can not be removed from the main screen.
Analog inputs (The units of measure can be changed in the preference button from the navigation menu). Counters Counters give an overview of all actual counters from controller and compressor. Instruction book Digital outputs Shows a list of all digital outputs and their status. Special protections Give an overview of all special protections of the compressor. Service plan Shows all levels of the service plan and status.
This screen only shows the running hours. It is also possible to show the actual status of the service interval.
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