Capita Sims User Manual
This page contains information and documents relating to the Capita SIMS Management Information Systems in Wokingham schools. Web Address Validation Service Following the introduction of B2B it has become apparent that there are inaccuracies in the way some schools have been recording pupil addresses in SIMS. As a result the Information Management Team has set up the Capita Web Address Validation Service which will enable you to search our local authority Capita address tables via the internet. A document with further information is provided below.
If you have any queries, then please contact us via email to Quick reference guides for using SIMS Quick Reference Guides to many of the common functions in SIMS are available within the software by clicking on the Documentation link, which provides guides appropriate to the version of SIMS you are using and your role. The documentation centre for the most recent releases of SIMS may also be found online: Spring 2014: Related Documents.
Filter by Local Authority. Quick Links. Current Issue with CTF Imports – Guidance for Identifying and Amending Data 23/07/18. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special.
PRU Further to the previous news item related to issues that may have arisen since importing CTFs into your SIMS7 database, attached below is guidance as to how to run and use the new Database Diagnostics check number 99. This check is available to you once patch 24157 has been applied.
If your database is hosted by Capita then this patch has already been applied for you. Please also see below a PDF PowerPoint Presentation published by our Product Manager Jim Haywood which may also provide some useful guidance in running Database Diagnostics and saving the output to check. If assistance is needed to resolve any queries or to provide further support, please log an incident with your usual SIMS support team. Current Issue with CTF Imports - UPDATED 16/7/18 12/07/18. Nursery. Infant. Junior.
Primary. Middle. Secondary.
Special. PRU UPDATE 16th July 16.00 Patch 24157 is being released on SOLUS3 to all customers. This patch enables an additional check number 99 in Database Diagnostics which is run from within SIMS via Tools System Diagnostics Database Diagnostics. An additional document will be provided here as soon as possible to assist customers with interpreting the output and taking corrective steps. 12th July Although only a small number of cases have been reported to our help desk, we understand that this is a major concern for many schools. Many thanks to our customers who are working with us to identify how we can resolve this issue. If you have imported a CTF for pupils joining your school, that included parents or other contacts with a name that matched exactly to a contact record already in your database, the applicant may have been linked incorrectly to this person and some data may have changed.
Please be assured that this is being investigated with the highest priority so that we can assist you in easily identifying whether this may have occurred in your school. Please note that patch 24068 has been made available. Application of this, or upgrading to the Summer 2018 release of SIMS, will prevent further CTF imports causing any problems.
Early next week (w/b 15/07/18) we expect to be able to make a further patch available. This will add additional checks to the Database Diagnostics routine run from within SIMS to assist with identifying any data that needs updating. We have been asked several times if we (Capita ESS) have reported this to the ICO, this is not Capita ESS’s responsibility as data processor and as the data controller it is the customers responsibility to report any data breaches to the ICO. Extensive guidance is available on the ICO website on data breaches and customers should review this thoroughly before taking any action. We hope we have demonstrated with the issue of Patch 24068 to fix the bug in the software and the continual evolvement of the diagnostic script to identify those records potential impacted, that we are doing all we can to support schools in this incident and endeavour to continually update you on the situation via regular updates to this news item and within MyAccount. We would like to apologise for the original bug in our software that triggered the data problem. If you require assistance please contact the Service Desk Telephone: 0844 892 2406 Email: Calls to 0844/0845 prefix will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge.
SIMS 2018 Summer Release 11/07/18. Nursery. Infant. Junior. Primary.
Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU The SIMS 7.182 and FMS 6.182 Summer release is now available for you to download from SOLUS 3. Please note, for Capita Hosted schools, your upgrade will be carried out during the weekend commencing Friday 27th July. The SIMS Summer 2018 release is an essential upgrade in order to run the Autumn 2018 census.
In addition to the census the release contains several enhancements including the bulk deleting of student area, a topic covered on, Programmes of Study: Bulk assigning and editing of school expectations, and changes to the exams analysis area for England, Wales and Northern Ireland for this summers results. Important Information for schools with SchoolView For those schools with SchoolView you will need to apply patch 24119 after running the Summer 2018 update. If the patch is not run this potentially could lead to data loss within Staff and Absence reports. You can request the patch via the Service desk – contact details included below. Please ensure you back-up your SIMS database prior to applying the patch and ensure no users are logged into SIMS whilst the patch is being applied. Upgrade Instructions The release is available for you to download from SOLUS 3. Please note, for Capita Hosted schools, your upgrade will be carried out during the weekend commencing Friday 27th July.
Reports Library Reminder Included in every release of SIMS is an updated set of pre-defined reports. To ensure your system has the latest reports available it is essential to import the reports following the steps below. This process should only take a few minutes to complete and would most commonly be carried out by the person who upgrades SIMS. Please note that we will carry out this process for schools with Capita Hosted SIMS. Within SIMS. Click on Reports Import.
Click on the Open/browse button, usually your system will default to the appropriate location, if not navigate to the SIMS installation path (typically C: Program Files SIMS Scroll down and highlight PredefinedReports7.182.RptDef and click on Open. Click on Import Webinars We are scheduling webinars in September to provide an overview of some of the key enhancements included in the Summer release. Further details along with booking information will be sent in due course.
Further support For full details regarding this release please refer to the Latest Release Information via the Documentation link on your Home page within SIMS and for FMS via Help FMS Documentation What’s New in this release, once you have upgraded. Alternatively, you can access the SIMS Summer 2018 Release Notes via.The latest version of SOLUS is version 3.12. Please refer to the guidance on upgrading to the latest version of SOLUS provided below.
If you require any assistance please contact the service desk. Important Update for Exams officers; Extended Service Desk Opening Hours on Results Day 09/07/18. Nursery. Infant. Junior.
Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU Due to positive customer feedback we are pleased to announce that we will once again be extending the Enhanced Service Desk opening times for both the A level and GCSE Exam Result Days again this year. Therefore the extended opening hours for the Enhanced Service Desk will be:.
Wednesday August 15th – 7am to 5.30pm. Thursday August 16th – 7am to 5.30pm. Wednesday August 22nd – 7am to 5.30pm. Thursday August 23rd - 7am to 5.30pm Contact. If you require assistance please contact the Service Desk Telephone: 0844 892 2406 Email: Calls to 0844/0845 prefix will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge. Summer School Census 2018 25/04/18.
Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary.
Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU You will find detailed guidance to support preparation and running of your census within the Returns Manager section of the SIMS Documentation Centre, via the Documentation link on the right hand side of your SIMS home page. A copy of the handbooks are included below for ease.
In addition to this you will receive your Customer Success Manager (CSM) guide via email. If you don’t receive regular communications from your CSM then do email the team via You need to have upgraded to the Spring 7.80 release of SIMS in order to carry out this census return.
You will need to have fileset 902 imported to support accurate validation of your census. You can find the fileset along with instructions on how to apply the posting fileset posting on this site. If there are any further filesets issued will post on this site so please check here or within the Fileset Notification page on My Account for the latest updates before completing your census. For Capita Hosted schools, the autumn release and fileset 902 have already been applied for you. School Census Summer 2018 – Fileset 902 25/04/18. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU Fileset 902 is now available for the Summer 2018 Census return and is provided within the files section at the end of this posting.
If there are any further updates to the filesets a copy will be post on this site so please check here or within the Fileset Notification page on My Account for the latest updates before completing your census. Instructions on how to import the fileset are provided below.
There are now two ways to import your fileset. For Capita HOSTED SIMS schools fileset 902 will be applied for you.
Option 1: follow the instructions below to import the file manually into SIMS. The file will be downloaded via the link below, if security warnings appear during the download, click Run/Open to proceed. If an additional security warning appears in your browser as the source could not be verified, click on Run to allow the download to proceed. When this is complete, click unzip to automatically extract the file to the location C: Downloaded Patches. If using Windows 8 or above you may be presented with the error below.
Please start the download process again but when presented with the self-extractor window please clear the “Unzip to folder” field and instead use the Browse button to choose a location to unzip the file to. To import the file, open SIMS with the appropriate access level (System Manager) and import via Tools Setups Import Fileset. In the file location box use the browse button to the right to navigate to C: Downloaded Patches folder or the alternative location that you may have chosen in step 3. The following file name will show in the browser, 0902-StatutoryReturns-Summer2018, click Open. The details of the file will show, click the Import Fileset button to complete the process.
The Import complete message will appear to indicate successful completion. Close the screen. You will need to log out and back into SIMS for this to take effect. Now revalidate your census return. Option 2: new - Fileset 902 will also be made available for deployment via SOLUS3. Details of how to manage this process are in the document attached below. School Census Spring 2018 – Fileset 803 10/01/18.
Nursery. Infant. Junior.
Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special.
PRU Fileset 803 is now available for the Spring 2018 Census return and is provided within the files section at the end of this posting. This fileset replaces 802. The DfE has provided an update to their validation and summary report files, which have been included in fileset 803 and resolves errors to their coding of the following validation rules:. Errors: 1280, 1770 and 1866.
Queries: 564Q, 565Q and 566Q Instructions on how to import the fileset are provided below. There are now two ways to import your fileset. For Capita HOSTED SIMS schools fileset 803 will be applied for you. Option 1: follow the instructions below to import the file manually into SIMS.
The file will be downloaded via the link below, if security warnings appear during the download, click Run/Open to proceed. If an additional security warning appears in your browser as the source could not be verified, click on Run to allow the download to proceed. When this is complete, click unzip to automatically extract the file to the location C: Downloaded Patches.
If using Windows 8 or above you may be presented with the error below. Please start the download process again but when presented with the self-extractor window please clear the “Unzip to folder” field and instead use the Browse button to choose a location to unzip the file to. To import the file, open SIMS with the appropriate access level (System Manager) and import via Tools Setups Import Fileset. In the file location box use the browse button to the right to navigate to C: Downloaded Patches folder or the alternative location that you may have chosen in step 3. The following file name will show in the browser, 0803-StatutoryReturns-Spring2018, click Open. The details of the file will show, click the Import Fileset button to complete the process. The Import complete message will appear to indicate successful completion.
Instruction Manual
Close the screen. You will need to log out and back into SIMS for this to take effect. Now revalidate your census return. Option 2: new - Fileset 803 will also be made available for deployment via SOLUS3.
Details of how to manage this process are in the document attached below. Census Spring 2018 15/12/17. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Secondary. Special. PRU For Northamptonshire Schools The guidance includes reference to a reports. This is also attached for easy import, if required. The report will need to be downloaded using the EXE file The documents have been designed for both experienced and new users.
They include a comprehensive checklist with the relevant links to detailed instructions on the processes. We are always interested to hear your views on our documentation to ensure we continue to provide high quality guidance and would welcome your feedback. Spring School Census 2018 12/12/17. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle.
Secondary. Special. PRU You will find detailed guidance to support preparation and running of your census within the Returns Manager section of the SIMS Documentation Centre, via the Documentation link on the right hand side of your SIMS home page.
A copy of the handbooks are included below for ease. In addition to this you will receive your Customer Services Manager (CSM) guide via email. If you don’t receive regular communications from your CSM then do email the team via Reminders.
For the Spring census a ‘snapshot’ of data as at selected period on census day (18th January 2018) is required for all classes. The selected time is based on the last digit of a school’s DfE establishment number. Details included below for your reference. 0, 1 or 5 = 1 hour / period after the start of morning school 2, 3 or 6 = 1 hour / period before the end of morning school 4,7,8 or 9 = 1 hour / period after the start of afternoon school. You need to have upgraded to the Autumn 7.178 release of SIMS in order to carry out this census return.
You will need to have fileset 803 imported to support accurate validation of your census. You can find the fileset along with instructions on how to import within the article above. For Capita Hosted schools, the autumn release and fileset 803 have already been applied for you. SIMS 2017 Autumn Release 06/11/17. Nursery. Infant. Junior.
Primary. Middle. Secondary.
Sony User Manual
Special. PRU The SIMS 7.178 and FMS 6.178 Autumn release is now available The SIMS Autumn 2017 release is an essential upgrade in order to run the Spring 2018 census. In addition to the census the release contains several enhancements including a new Person Data Output Report to assist schools in producing Subject Access Request information.
There is a new permission group ‘Data Protection’ to manage access to the report which could include sensitive information. You will need to assign this permission to a suitable user. Upgrade Instructions The release is available for you to download from SOLUS 3.
Please note, for Capita Hosted schools, your upgrade will be carried out during the forthcoming weekend commencing Friday 10th November. Reports Library Reminder: Included in every release of SIMS is an updated set of pre-defined reports. To ensure your system has the latest reports available it is essential to import the reports following the steps below. This process should only take a few minutes to complete and would most commonly be carried out by the person who upgrades SIMS. Please note that we will carry out this process for schools with Capita Hosted SIMS. Within SIMS:. Click on Reports Import.
Click on the Open/browse button, usually your system will default to the appropriate location, if not navigate to the SIMS installation path (typically C: Program Files SIMS Scroll down and highlight PredefinedReports7.178.RptDef and click on Open. Click on Import Further support: For full details regarding this release please refer to the Latest Release Information via the Documentation link on your Home page within SIMS and for FMS via Help FMS Documentation What’s New in this release, once you have upgraded.
Alternatively, you can access the SIMS Autumn 2017 Release Notes via The latest version of SOLUS is version 3.12.1. Please refer to the guidance on upgrading to the latest version of SOLUS provided below. If you require any assistance please contact the service desk. For those customers using InTouch and Partnership Xchange please upgrade in the following order:.
Partnership Exchange (PX). SIMS. SIMS InTouch Contact.
Admissions Processes 2017/18 03/11/17. Nursery.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Middle.
Secondary. Special. PRU For Northamptonshire Schools The following guidance notes have been produced in conjunction with NCC to support Northamptonshire schools in importing ADT and ATF files and admitting students prior to the new academic year 2018/19.
The documentation is now available for downloading to assist schools through the required processes for managing the Admissions process using the files provided by the Local Authority. Guidance notes have been provided for schools who are responsible for their own admissions as well as separate guidance notes for those schools who are not responsible for their own admissions. Dates supplied by NCC, with regard to availability of files, can be found at the front of the appropriate set of guidance notes. School Workforce Census 2017 09/10/17. Nursery.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary.
Special. PRU For Northamptonshire Schools The following guidance notes have been produced in conjunction with NCC to support Northamptonshire schools in producing their school workforce census for 2017 The documents have been designed for both experienced and new users. They include a comprehensive checklist and detailed instructions on the processes. We are always interested to hear your views on our documentation to ensure we continue to provide high quality guidance and would welcome your feedback. Census Autumn 2017 08/09/17. Nursery.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU For Northamptonshire Schools only The guidance includes reference to two reports.
These are also attached for easy import, if required. The report will need to be downloaded using the EXE file. The documents have been designed for both experienced and new users. They include a comprehensive checklist with the relevant links to detailed instructions on the processes. We are always interested to hear your views on our documentation to ensure we continue to provide high quality guidance and would welcome your feedback. CSM webinar “Manage Pupil Premium within SIMS” – Tuesday 11th 05/07/17. Nursery.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU Webinars for our Enhanced Supported schools Thank you to everyone who registered and attended our recent CSM webinar “Getting the most from SIMS reporting including SIMS Discover”.
If you were unable to attend, the slides are available below. These 30 minute webinars are an opportunity to share SIMS top tips to help you gain the most from SIMS for you and your school. Our next webinar is running on Tuesday 11th July - during this 30 minute webinar we will look at how you can manage Pupil Premium within SIMS, including how to check, update and maintain PP ticks to ensure the tracking of your Pupil Premium students is accurate. How to book – you would have already received an email and link to book via your Customer Services Manager. This webinar is for our enhanced supported schools as part of your support contract.
If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact your Customer Services Manager and they will be happy to help. If you don’t have your Customer Services Managers details then do email the team via. Capita SIMS Hosted Security Standards 18/05/17.
Nursery. Infant. Junior.
Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU The Capita ESS Hosted services (SIMS, Agora, InTouch, HSLG, etc.) are protected through the implementation of good maintenance practices and high security standards, therefore we would like to reassure our customers that these platforms are not at risk of being affected by the recent cyber-attacks.
In particular, the following measures are in place:. Patching: Microsoft removed the vulnerability used by this malware through a patch released in March; we have applied the patches to our systems soon after they were released and we are therefore not affected by the vulnerability. Antimalware: Microsoft has released an update for their antimalware that will detect this malware; our antimalware is up-to-date, offering an additional layer of defence.
The malware can’t get on our systems: the malware is activated by a user, e.g. If you require assistance please contact the Service Desk Telephone: 0844 892 2406 Email: Calls to 0844/0845 prefix will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge. Important Update; End of Key Stage 2017 guidance 25/04/17.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Special.
PRU On behalf of Northamptonshire County Council, Capita have produced documentation relating to the statutory recording and return of End of Key Stage 1 and 2 data to include; Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics screening check and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Please ensure you download the relevant documentation for your school phase. Pupil Premium for Financial Year 2017/18 (England) 06/02/17. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle. Secondary. Special.
PRU The updated report for DfE FSM Ever 6 at Spring Census 2017 has now been made available. The file should be downloaded then imported into SIMS via Reports Import. Instructions are provided below. Click on the file link below and save to a suitable location eg your desktop or My Documents. Within SIMS go to Reports Import. Click on open and navigate to the location where you saved the report, eg your desktop or My Documents. The report will then display with status of pending.
Click import. Once completed the status will change to Imported. Click on close to finish and your report will now be accessible via the usual Report Run Report or Report Design Report menu Contact.
Sims User Manual
FREE SLT Webinars 07/11/16. Infant. Junior. Primary Delivered by education and SIMS experts, our 30 minute sessions help senior leaders to manage the on-going changes to primary education over this coming year by making the most of the SIMS they already have. Each webinar will share best practice supporting school leaders in their roles and will be run two times a day - 1pm and 3:45pm. Webinars running for the remainder of this term.
Identifying and managing patterns of pupil absence -. Primary assessment -.
How can SIMS help with the evolution of parental communication? - to view the full details and to register. Pupil Premium 2016 27/01/16. Nursery. Infant. Junior. Primary.
Middle. Secondary. Special. PRU Pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. This funding has been in place for several years now and evidence is showing that the gap is closing. There is now also Early Years Pupil Premium as of 2015. Recent studies show that there is a 19 month gap in school readiness between the most and least advantaged children.
In April 2015 Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) was introduced to support the closing of this gap for 3 and 4 years olds. SIMS provides many ways to identify, track and monitor your Pupil Premium students. Your data within SIMS needs to be correct to enable accurate tracking of your Pupil Premium students.
Your Customer Service Manager has provided the following to support you with this:. CSM guide to SIMS and Pupil Premium. CSM Guide to Importing Reports into SIMS. Pupil Premium Checklist report If you have not received any of the above please email to request. In addition to this an updated Report Definition File for DfE FSM Ever 6 at Spring Census 2016 v1.1 has been made available which can be imported into SIMS.
This report can be run at any time and will list all your Ever6 eligble pupils as of January 2016 census. Please see the link below to download. Once you have downloaded you will need to save to a suitable location and import into SIMS via Report / Import. Please contact the Service Desk if you have any queries. Main Service Desk: 0844 893 8000 Email: Calls to 0844/0845 prefix will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge. Files. Supporting Information for End of Year Procedures 30/04/14.
Nursery. Infant. Junior. Primary. Middle.
Secondary. Special. PRU Below are summary documents to assist schools with end of year procedures. If you require further advice or assistance please contact the Service Desk on 00 Option 1. Files. North Somerset Maintained schools Teaching Staff from 1 September 2013 and Support Staff from 1 April 2013 pay awards 09/10/13.
Infant. Junior. Primary. Secondary. Special. PRU North Somerset Maintained schools Teaching from 1 September 2013 and Support Staff from 1 April 2013 pay awards.
If you require assistance please contact the Service Desk on 0844 893 8000. Files. Revised North Somerset FMS report 28/11/11. Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle.
Secondary. Special. PRU For North Somerset Schools The latest version of FMS 6.142 requires a modification of the North Somerset specific summary report. Users will be familiar with the need to refresh this file after each FMS upgrade to put the North Somerset version of the file in place.
Before taking FMS 6.142, it is recommended that the existing shortcut on your desktop used to refresh the FMS file is deleted. This needs to be carried out on all workstations running FMS. When the shortcut is deleted, the new version can be downloaded. Follow the detailed instructions to delete the existing files, download the revised files and created a new refresh shortcut. Detailed instructions for the replacement of the North Somerset FMS report. Self Extracting Files. When the new file has been put in place, the FMS 6.142 upgrade can proceed.
Once completed, use the desktop shortcut to refresh the revised North Somerset report. Files. Revised North Somerset FMS report 28/11/11.
Nursery. Infant.
Junior. Primary. Middle.
Secondary. Special. PRU For North Somerset Schools The latest version of FMS 6.142 requires a modification of the North Somerset specific summary report. Users will be familiar with the need to refresh this file after each FMS upgrade to put the North Somerset version of the file in place. Before taking FMS 6.142, it is recommended that the existing shortcut on your desktop used to refresh the FMS file is deleted.

John deere 6615 tractor. This needs to be carried out on all workstations running FMS. When the shortcut is deleted, the new version can be downloaded. Follow the detailed instructions to delete the existing files, download the revised files and created a new refresh shortcut.
Detailed instructions for the replacement of the North Somerset FMS report. Self Extracting Files. When the new file has been put in place, the FMS 6.142 upgrade can proceed. Once completed, use the desktop shortcut to refresh the revised North Somerset report. Files. Capita Education Service Desk Email Template.
Click to create a new mail message addressed to Complete the template and click Send. Customer Information- Named Contact: School Name and Postcode: Helpdesk Reference if already logged: Priority: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Date: Time: -Software Enquiry- Please enter any relevant details (software title or module including version number) recording any error messages/updated information: -Hardware/Systems Failure (Backup, Printing, Modem, Networking etc.)- Equipment: Fault/Error: Last Action: Other relevant circumstances: -Notes-. Capita Education Service Desk Fax Template. Download the template to your computer.
Open the template and complete it. Fax the completed template to 0844 893 7000.
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