Physical Science Study Guide B Answers

Glencoe Physical Science Study Guide
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Review: Chemical vs. Physical Properties and Changes 1. Lis t 5 exam ple s of phy si cal p rop ert ies. Ben pearson ndl7 manual. Temperature Color Mass Volume Size Density Solubility Shape 2. Lis t 5 ex amp les of p hys ica l cha nge s. Freezing Melting Evaporating Breaking Separating Mixing 3. List 5 di ffer ent ty pes of evid ence that a ch emical c hange has o ccurre d and list what ty pes of observations you would make for each one.
Release of a gas Formation of a precipitate Change in energy Change in color Presence of an odor 4. Wh at is a p re ci pi ta te? Is the solid that forms when you mix two solutions 5. Whi ch of t he fo llo win g is a phy sic al ch ange? Forma tion of a silv er sul fide w hen sil ver rea cts wi th sul fur i n the air b. Burni ng met hane ga s, pr oducing water and ca rbon dioxid e.
Distinguish Between Chemical and Physical Changes 6. Whe n do es a chem ica l ch ang e occ ur? When there is a rearrangement of atoms. A new substance is produced 7. What is the dif ferenc e betwe en a chemi cal chan ge and a phy sica l change? A chemical change occurs when you have a new substance.
Apologia Physical Science Study Guide Answers

A physical change occurs when you have the same substance as you started with 8. What is t he dif ferenc e betwee n a color chan ge as a chemi cal change an d a physi cal chang e? When there is a color chan ge that is a physical change it is just mixing. When it is a result of a chemical change it is because a new substance is produced.
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