Study Guide For Ionic And Metallic Bonds

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  1. Reading Guide Ionic And Metallic Bonding
  2. Compare And Contrast Ionic And Metallic Bonds

Reading Guide Ionic And Metallic Bonding


Shows that the compound contains two ions for every ion. KBr is the formula for an ionic compou nd. The fac t that nei ther symbol is followed by a su bscript means that there is a(an) ratio of ions in the compound. You are give n the meltin g point s of three unkn own sub stanc es and asked to pre dict wh ich is an ionic compound.

Compare And Contrast Ionic And Metallic Bonds

You would select the compound with the melting point. The ions i n solid sodium chlo ride are arranged in a st ructure called a(an) lattice. If there are two long dashes betw een two ato ms in a structural fo rmula, molecules of the compo und contain a(an) bond.

A polar covalent bo nd forms when are not shared eq ually betw een atoms. Two facto rs that dete rmine wh ether a molec ule is pola r are the types of ato ms in the molecu le and the of the molecule. When cesium and fluo rine react, they for m an io nic compoun d called cesium. A(An) io n is a covalently bo nded group of atoms t hat has a positive o r negative ch arge. In ionic co mpounds, the sum of the charges of a ll the ca tions and anions must be.

The com pou nd w hos e fo rmu la i s SO. Is called sulfur.

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The metallic b onds in a transition metal, such as tungsten, are stronger than the metallic bonds in a(an) metal, such as sodium. In general, the more a metal has, the stronger it s metallic bonds w ill be. Among the elements p otassium, lit hium, and iron, th e metallic bonds are likely to be strongest in. In a metal latti ceare surr ound ed by a pool of shared el ectro ns. In its simpl est form, the all oy brass con sist s of zinc and. To produ ce stain less st eelis ad ded to iro n.

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